“I WILL NOT BE GOING TO A SHELTER, MS. MARJORY” words from my client after we won a jury verdict on Thursday August 18, 2022 giving my client her property valued at approximately 3 million dollar, which her sister was denying her because my client’s name did not appear on the deed. My client’s family purchased a property in 1998 for $198,000.00 in Brooklyn, New York with only one sister’s name on the deed upon the recommendation of her mother and a broker. In 1998, her mother a matriarch with a grand vision for her family, urged the family to purchase a building in Brooklyn, New York. In 2016, my client was served with a notice of eviction initiated by her sister to vacate the premises. My client, very fearful, came to us in tears, fearing that she would be losing her home. We filed a preliminary injunction staying the eviction. Two weeks ago, six years after first meeting her, we selected a jury, after 5 days of trial, jury deliberation, the jury gave to my client her home, a property worth close to 3 million dollars. My client was waiting downstairs for the verdict. She was too nervous to be in the courtroom. I walked down the court steps and hallowed: We won!!! We won. She ran toward me and said “ THANKS TO YOU MS. MARJORY, I WILL NOT BE GOING TO A SHELTER” … “I WILL NOT BE GOING TO A SHELTER, MS. MARJORY” This is why we do what we do!!!!